Nutraceutical Update: The Impact of the Nutrition Labelingand Education Act’s Approach to Health and Medical Claims

September 28, 1993
The Waldorf-Astoria, New York City


Nutraceutical Overview

Moderator, DeFelice

The Emerging Role of Nutraceuticals in Medicine, Goldman

Food and Pharmaceutical Industry Survey Regarding Attitudesand Activity, Childs


The Intent of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act, Curran

Recent Actions by Congress and the FDA Regarding Dietary Supplementsand Herbal Remedies Claims, McNamara

Panel Discussion and Audience Q&A

Points of View Regarding Impact on Research. Discovery andSafety

Food Industry, Guardia

Academic Food Scientist, Lachance

Academic Medicine, Lasagna

Consumer, Carper

Q&A Break

Patient and Potential Patients, DeFelice

Panel Discussion & Audience Q&A


Jean CarperAuthor, "The Food Pharmacy" and "Food- Your Miracle Medicine", Washington, DC

Nancy M. ChildsProfessor, Food Marketing Saint Joseph's University,Philadelphia, PA

William J Curran, J.D., LL.M., S.M.HYG.Frances Glessner LeeProfessor, Legal Medicine, Harvard Medical School Boston, MA

Stephen L. DeFelice, M.D.Chairman, The Foundation For InnovationIn Medicine Cranford, NJ

Peter Goldman, M.D.Professor, Health Science, Departmentof Nutrition Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA

Enrique J. Guardia, Ph.D.Vice President, Scientific RelationsKraft General Foods, Inc., White Plains, NY

Paul A. Lachance, Ph.D.Professor & Chairman, Food ScienceDepartment Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

Louis Lasagna, M.D.Dean, Sackler School of Graduate BiomedicalScience, Tufts University, Boston, MA

Stephen McNarnara, Esq.Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, P.C.,Washington, DC