Cardiovascular nutraceuticals: their proper role in health & medicine

The foundation for innovation in medicine - 8th nutraceutical conference

October 14 & 15, 1997-Capital Hilton Washington, DC

The Foundation for Innovation in Medicine (FIM) announces a one and a half day conference on the proper use of cardiovascular nutraceuticals in health and medicine. A nutraceutical is a food or parts of foods that offer medical-health benefits including the prevention and/or treatment of disease. Medical foods, dietary supplements (including botanical substances) and other food or nutrient categories such as functional and designer foods are all nutraceuticals.

The positive clinical data on cardiovascular nutraceuticals far exceeds those of other nutraceutical categories such as anti-tumor and memory enhancer ones. Though the data on cardiovascular nutraceuticals are highly promising and exciting, there remains a critical dilemma concerning their proper use regarding efficacy and safety. Who should receive these substances and at what doses? Should they be given together with pharmaceuticals to enhance the efficacy and safety of the latter? What are the principles involved in making judgments regarding the use of cardiovascular nutraceuticals? All these issues will be addressed by a group of physician experts in this field who will both present the data and offer opinions. These opinions will be discussed by the participants and the attendees.

This will be the first major conference in the United States in which the clinical role of cardiovascular nutraceuticals will be explored in-depth by expert physicians.

During the morning of the first day, topics to be covered are:

Nutraceutical Revolution Update: The Cardiovascular Promise

NIH Office of Dietary Supplements: Update on Activities

Medical Foods & Dietary Supplements: Regulatory Update

Nutraceuticals: Industry Point of View

US. Cardiovascular Nutraceuticals: Market Overview

The Cardiovascular Nutraceuticals to be discussed are:

Vitamin E

Folic Acid


Magnesium (in Diabetes)




Special Diets (Intelligent Quisine)

Salt Alternative (Cardia)


Thomas DAarts Executive Editor, Nutrition Business Journal

Andrew G. BostomM.D., M.S. Assistant Professor of Medicine, Brown University; also Director of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Management Clinic, Rhode Island Hospital

Stephen L. DeFeliceM.D. Chairman, The Foundation for Innovationin Medicine

Joseph R. DiPalmaM.D. Emeritus Dean & Professor of Pharmacology,MCP/Hahnemann University School of Medicine

Louis LasagnaM.D. Dean, Sackler School of Graduate BiomedicalSciences, Tufts University

Bernadette M. MarriottPh.D. Director, Office of Dietary Supplements,National Institutes of Health, Department of Health & HumanServices

Stephen H. McNamara, Esq. Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, P.Cformer Associate Chief Counsel for Food, Food & Drug Administration

Jerry L. NadlerM.D. Director, Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology& Metabolism, City of Hope Medical Center; also Adjunct AssociateProfessor, University of Southern California

Carl J. PepineM.D. Professor of Medicine, University of Florida,College of Medicine, Division of Cardiology

Lawrence M. ResnickM.D. Professor of Medicine & Directorof Hypertension, Wayne State University, School of Medicine

Eric B. RimmScD Assistant Professor of Nutrition & Epidemiology,Department of Nutrition, Harvard Medical School

Richard S. RivlinM.D. Professor of Medicine & Chief,Nutrition Division, New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center andProgram Director, Clinical Nutrition Research Unit, G.l. - NutritionService, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

George F. SchreinerM.D., Ph.D. Vice President, CardiorenalResearch, Scios Inc.

David H. G. Smith M.D. Director, Orange County Heart Institute& Research Center; also Director of Research Operations, Departmentof Clinical Pharmacology and Hypertension, Veterans Affairs MedicalCenter

John P. TroupPh.D. Vice President, Scientific Affairs, GeneralNutrition Corporation